Julian Charrière: Controlled Burn



• English / German, Softcover (Swiss binding)
• 208 pages
• 16,5 x 23,5 cm
• Published by Mousse Publishing, 2023


Julian Charrière’s work addresses urgent ecological concerns, often stemming from fieldwork at signal locations, such as volcanoes, glaciers, oil palm plantations, undersea and radioactive zones. Meditating upon the flame as a figure of excess, containment, and renewal for our warming planet, Controlled Burn documents Charrière’s solo exhibition curated by Dehlia Hannah and Nadim Samman at the Langen Foundation in Neuss, Germany, from September 2022 to August 2023. Deepening Charrière’s reflections upon ideas of nature and our place therein, both the book and the exhibition interrogate the dark vitality of materials used for fuel: coal, petroleum, palm oil, and sunshine. Taking us back in time and deep underground, Charrière’s speculative visions range over fossilized life-worlds and future atmospheres saturated by the burnt residues of modernity’s excess.

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Julian Charrière

Julian Charrière

Julian Charrière (b. 1987 in Morgens) is a French-Swiss artist who investigates the relationship between human civilization and the natural landscape in his conceptual body of work. His artistic practice includes working in remote places with acute geophysical identities such as volcanos, ice-fields, or radioactive sites. Charrière’s research-based art work varies between photography, performance, intervention, and sculpture. The artist lives and works in Berlin.