Xie Lei – Nachtgesänge | Caprii | Ed. 6



English, Softcover
32 pages
16,8 x 23,5 cm
Text: Lorenz Ecker
Editing: Roxanne Mackie
Design: Thomas Spallek
Published by Sies + Höke, 2024


Published on the occasion of the exhibition:

Xie Lei
May 24th – June 29th, 2024
Caprii by Sies + Höke, Orangeriestr. 6, 40213 Düsseldorf.

Each of the solo and group exhibitions composing the dynamic, playful programme of Caprii is accompanied by a booklet, which offers an extended plane for holistically encountering the praxis of the respective artists.

The sixth edition presents a series of new works by Xie Lei, created during his one-month residency at the Villa Medici, Rome during 2024. Inspired by Friedrich Hölderin's Nachtgesänge, the series thematises the night as a time of human instinctivity, and as a safe space in which sexuality and identity can be freely expressed. Emblematic of his work are references to ambiguous and disturbing situations, discreetly linked to literary and cinematographic memories, or drawn from a profound crucible of personal emotions. More recently his pictorial universe delves into a world in-between sleep and death, torment and eroticism. Xie Lei’s painting is singular in that it offers up an alternative perception of time: in a salutary manner, it suggests a slowing of the spectator’s gaze and an escape from the intoxicating world of immediacy and constant acceleration.

The booklet series is designed by Studio Thomas Spallek and is made using remnant paper stock sourced from Druckerei Kettler.

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Xie Lei – Nachtgesänge, 2024, Caprii, Düsseldorf

Xie Lei – Nachtgesänge, 2024, Caprii, Düsseldorf

Two extremes take centre stage in Xie Lei's new works. During his one-month residency at the Villa Medici in Rome, six new works were created. Inspired by Friedrich Hölderin's Nachtgesänge, Xie thematises the night as the time of human instinctivity, and as a safe space in which sexuality and identity can be freely expressed. [...]