Fabrice Samyn: ALL SAINTS



English, Softcover
• 365 pages
• 10.1 x 14.5 cm
• 9782930528076

• Published by Speculoosbook, 2011


Fabrice Samyn: ALL SAINTS is a catalogue that was published in 2011.

Each page shows a photograph of a first name found engraved on trees or benches, then made golden by the artist. Confronted with this work of art, we are invited to contemplate the wanderings and reference points continuously present within people.

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Fabrice Samyn

Fabrice Samyn

Fabrice Samyn (b. 1981 in Brussels) expresses himself through painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, writing and performance. The dualism of the world and the attempt to understand it induce him to ask metaphysical questions about the nature of time, the visible and the hidden, the present and the non-present, and the relation between representation and its meaning. The artist is a master in ancestral techniques as well as more modern ones. He lives and works in Brussels.