Marcel Dzama: Be good little Beuys and Dada might buy you a Bauhaus



English, Hardcover
160 pages
• 25.5 x 19.5 cm
• 9783932729225
• Published by Sies + Höke, 2019 


Marcel Dzama: Be good little Beuys and Dada might buy you a Bauhaus is an artist book celebrating Sies + Höke’s 20th anniversary of collaboration with the artist in 2019. For more than two decades, Marcel Dzama has fascinated a wide international audience with his drawings, sculptures, installations and video works. He is known for his sketch-like drawings of fantastic characters interacting brutally yet comically.

Alongside images of his drawings and sculptures, the book also gives a deep insight into Dzama’s private photo archive. Photographs from his family and friends, performances and exhibitions bring a very personal touch to the publication.

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Marcel Dzama

Marcel Dzama

Marcel Dzama (b. 1974 in Winnipeg) has fascinated a wide international audience with his drawings, sculptures, installations and video works. Using a highly recognizable visual language based on a multitude of artistic references, subjective experiences and socio-political issues, he invites us into his very personal world full of life and death, music, calm and violence. The artist lives and works in New York.