Paul Hutchinson: 21 Poems and 16 Pictures from L.A. — Fragments



English / German, Softcover
32 pages
• 16.8 x 23.5 cm
• 9783932729393
• Published by Sies + Höke, 2023 


Paul Hutchinson: 21 Poems and 16 Pictures from L.A. — Fragments is published alongside the homonymous limited edition portfolio following a six-week residency at Villa Aurora, Los Angeles.

When you arrive at a foreign place how do you cope with it?
Merging the poetic with the photographic, the limited edition artist book explores the emotions embodied in existing elsewhere and in the simple act of being aware.

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Paul Hutchinson

Paul Hutchinson

Paul Hutchinson (b. 1987 in Berlin) critically questions the unfolding of social processes in urban space. His photographs oscillate between documentary and poetics, investigating the artist’s immediate surroundings and focusing on details, seemingly banal or very personal. Hutchinson translates, through the lens of his camera, his environment into poetic, carefully composed and highly aesthetic images, conveying a vivid characterization of contemporary culture. The artist lives and works in Berlin.